A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 758 Jade In ANW

Solvi then took control to harden the dirt once Sofiera finished. Enchanting it to turn it from simple dirt into a type of magical compound. Near the end, the first wall of the second floor was finished. Hard enough to take even a number of Eldrian\'s full powered punches.ツ�

Crystoi, however, would tear through it with ease. So naturally, he hadn\'t used it when testing the sturdiness of the first walls.ツ�

As they were about to start on the next wall, the trio froze. Someone was skipping towards them with a carefree attitude. She reeked of someone not minding her surroundings. Upon seeing Eldrian, she waved.ツ�

"Do you know her?" Solvi asked, frowning as she noticed the strange aura surrounding the girl.ツ�

"I wish I didn\'t..." Eldrian groaned. \'How did she find me?!\'

"Eldrian! Finally found you!" Jade shouted with a wide smile. For her avatar, she chose a fae race, like Erik. She looked like a mix between a dryad and an elf.ツ�

Fair skin with light blue and green patterns covering her body like tattoos in quite the... arrangement. Long ears, golden hair, emerald eyes with a fire of sapphire mixed in. And her clothing was on the risque side. Emphasizing everything.ツ�

"She your girlfriend? I thought you had a thing for Vivian?" Solvi teased and Eldrian groaned.ツ�

"As if... she\'s at best an acquaintance. And how do you窶能"

"Come now, everyone thinks you two like each other." Sofiera interrupted. "After all, no matter what, you two end up back together. You even gave her a mansion."

"Well, that\'s窶能"

"Eldrian, who are they?" Jade asked, tilting her head cutely and sending an innocent smile their way while still a ways away.ツ�

\'Can I finish one sentence!?\'

"Be careful, seems she is trying to charm us." Sofiera mumbled, moving quickly and constructing a barrier to stop this from happening. However, Jade\'s power wasn\'t your normal type of magic.

"Focus your minds. It\'s an aura." Eldrian said as the barrier failed as expected.ツ�

"How bothersome." Solvi spat, "Hey! Girl! Can\'t you control that power of yours!?"

"Huh? How do you窶能"

"Don\'t think we take kindly to you trying to interrupt our work and then charm us." Sofiera interrupted Jade mid-sentence. "The only reason you\'re still alive is because Eldrian admitted to knowing you."

\'Really?! Fuck! That would have been perfect!\' Regretting his folly, Eldrian prayed that someone would come and get rid of Jade. Her ruining his home was bad enough. He didn\'t want her here at all.ツ�

"How dare you!?" Jade had expected Eldrian\'s disrespect, but for a dwarf and centaur to look at her with such eyes. "Do you窶覇eph!"

She froze as she felt a number of deadly spells suddenly targeting her. \'What the hell is going on?! Is everyone around Eldrian meanies?\'

"I don\'t like your attitude. Leave!"ツ�

\'Wow, Sofiera\'s pissed.\' Eldrian hadn\'t heard her tone drop so low before. The glint in her eyes seemed to indicate that she was ready to kill.ツ�

"How!!!" Jade couldn\'t even get the words out. "I\'m an ambassador窶能"

"Yeah, we don\'t care." Solvi interrupted. "If all you\'re going to do is distract us, we\'ll kill you now. You\'re like a Chosen, right?"ツ�

"How-what-this..." Jade couldn\'t believe this. They didn\'t even allow her to finish! "I\'m an ambassador for the gods!" She spat this out as quickly as possible, not wishing to be interrupted again.ツ�



\'They really are insane!\' Never had those words not worked. Whenever she mentioned that in an empire, everyone would do whatever they could to please her. "You must now know what those words窶能"

"Don\'t take us for fools. We know, and we know a lot more." Sofiera interrupted.ツ�

"Wait, that can\'t be. Did you tell them?!" She turned to Eldrian in complete disbelief. The only reason those words would lose their power was if someone understood the situation better.ツ�

"Yeah? Why would I hide things from my friends?" Eldrian replied, finding a small satisfaction in how Jade seemed incapable of accepting this.ツ�

"Do you know how dangerous that is?!" She waved her hands around in protest.ツ�

"Why? It doesn\'t change much. It only adds some perspective. After all, this world and universe was made by GAIA. Learning that GAIA also had a creator isn\'t that strange." Eldrian countered.ツ�

"Wait, what?" Solvi turned to Eldrian, flabbergasted.ツ�

"Ah, guess I didn\'t share this with you yet..." Eldrian rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.ツ�

"Well, it is shocking. But it is just as you say, it only adds some more perspective onto things. Yeah... it makes sense. Thinking that a god came from nothing, or came from something. The difference doesn\'t mean much to me."

\'Phew... Luckily, she took that easily... no, she\'s going to let me have it once Jade is dealt with,\' Eldrian groaned, fully blaming Jade.ツ�

"You can\'t be serious. Then you must know窶能"

"Are you going to threaten us now?" Sofiera asked, "The gods can\'t directly interfere with the world. This is common knowledge. They are bound by heir own rules. Your threats mean nothing!"

"Wha-bu-help?" She turned to Eldrian and fully relied on her infallible powers. Only to have them brush over Eldrian like they didn\'t exist.ツ�

Taking a long sigh and quickly sorting his thoughts to decide the best way forward, Eldrian decided it was best not to cut off this relationship. After all, he did not want a war with Miracle.ツ�

\'She\'s a handful, but she might be useful.\' Asking Solvi and Sofiera to leave this to him, Eldrian stepped forward and pulled Jade away. The longer her powers assaulted the two, the more pissed they were going to be.ツ�

"You really have to learn how to control your charm power." he chided her as soon as they made enough distance.ツ�

"How did you窶能"

"Really? How can you even ask? It\'s literally oozing out of you."

"Don\'t say oozing!" Jade protested, but Eldrian wasn\'t going to mind her protest.ツ�

"Then get control of it. If it wasn\'t for me, they would have killed you as soon as they felt the power. Do you even understand in how much danger you were?"

"What?! No way! But in the city, everyone was so nice."

Eldrian placed his hand on his forehead and sighed. Taking several deep breaths to calm down. "And you think that was fine? Manipulating people\'s emotions.... I guess you really are part of Miracle."

"Hey! Wait, why do I feel like that just now was some really mean jab?!"

"Because it was! It is never okay to manipulate people. Especially not when you add magic into the equation!"

"Ah-but... That can\'t be helped!" Jade protested.ツ�

"Yes, it can!" Eldrian countered. Taking a step back and several deep breaths to calm himself. "I assume you came here since you couldn\'t follow me?"

"Yeah?" Jade didn\'t seem to follow what was bothering Eldrian.ツ�

"You do know my relationship with Miracle, right?"

"Hmm, hmm." She nodded confidently. "But that is in the past. We\'ll forgive you and welcome you back."

"Who said I want to be welcomed back!?" Eldrian took another deep breath. \'Dang, this is going to be harder than I thought.\'ツ�

"Listen, it isn\'t that simple."

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